What's on this website?
You will find the Petitations to download including a sample of the Pet Scan and Gratitude Petitations and specific descriptions of each. I also include a blog where I discuss relevant research, experiences, quotes, and current events. There will be new posts to the blog every other week. There will be photos and stories that you send me about your experiences with Petitation or the blog posts. There will also be references for books and websites posted within a few weeks. There is a forum where you can participate in a discussion about your experiences and your reactions to the blog posts. Finally, there is a short survey to take after you have visited the site. When you complete the survey you will be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift certificate.

Why should I Petitate?
Petitations can help enhance your connection with your pet and help both you and your pet relax. In addition, meditation has been shown to help a vast array of physical and emotional health issues, improvement in concentration and productivity, and enhanced quality of life. You will be introduced to the positive benefits of both meditation and pet ownership in upcoming blog posts. Petitations are a type of meditation, although the research on Petitations is just beginning. Petitations are relatively inexpensive and have no negative side effects.

What if my pet becomes restless during the petitation?
Your pet is likely to get restless at some point during the Petitations. For the Petting Petitation or the Pet Scan you can either try and stick it out a little longer or try again on another occasion. Or, you can switch to one of the other Petitations where your pet doesn’t have to be right next to you or in your lap.

For how long should I petitate?
Individual meditation practices vary from a few minutes to months or even years in meditation retreats. In my experience, most people start with a few minutes and increase with practice. The Petitations that I offer you start from a few minutes to 15 minutes. And, they can be combined if you want an even longer Petitation practice. In addition, you can combine Petitations with other meditiations or the Breathing Meditation to increase your practice. Basically, you should practice for as long as you find helpful. I do find that pushing the limits a little at a time makes it easier to increase the meditation practice. Most serious meditators meditate for between 20-30 minutes on most days but they work up to this amount.

How do I know if I am Petitating/Meditating correctly?
There is no right way to Petitate/meditate. It is an individual practice. It’s important to set your own goals which can range from connecting to your pet to elevating your mood and having more gratitude or equanimity/balance in your life. And, your goals can change over time.

Can I add other meditations as part of my practice?
Petitations are only one type of meditation. I have provided you with a breathing meditation and there are plenty of other meditations available for you on the Internet. I highly recommend trying other types of meditations.

What if I get restless during the Petitation?
As you first begin to meditate, you are likely to get restless. I suggest that you start out with short Petitations and build up a practice. Try and sit it out as long as you can pushing your comfort zone a little at a time. Remember, restlessness is part of the process for most of us.

What if my mind wanders?
Most of us get “monkey mind” or wandering mind during Petitations/meditations. It is important to remain nonjudgmental and just notice that your mind has wandered and return your attention back to the Petitation/meditation.

Can I hear an audio sample before I buy?
Petitations can help enhance your connection with your pet and help both you and your pet relax. In addition, meditation has been shown to help a vast array of physical and emotional health issues, improvement in concentration and productivity, and enhanced quality of life. You will be introduced to the positive benefits of both meditation and pet ownership in upcoming blog posts. Petitations are a type of meditation, although the research on Petitations is just beginning. Petitations are relatively inexpensive and have no negative side effects.

Do I have a choice between silence and music?
Yes, you will have a choice of whether to download the music or silent versions. You will also have the option to purchase the music alone for a small fee (unless you buy all 8 Petitations in which case, the music comes with it for no extra cost).

What if I keep falling asleep?
Getting sleepy is also common during the Petitations. You may want to try and sit more upright. You may also want to Petitate to one of the active Petitations like the Pet Scan. Sometimes it helps to Petitate at a time when you are less likely to be sleepy like first thing in the morning or lunch time.

What if petitating/meditating brings up difficult emotions?
Petitating and other forms of meditating can bring up difficult emotions. One way to deal with it is to pay attention to how it feels in your body. If it brings up hard feelings for any length of time or if it feels like you are in any danger, please contact a mental health provider or someone else to talk to.